Friday, March 26, 2010

Hello, Bloggerland.

Remember back in the day (like three months ago) I made this crazy claim that I'd take a photo every single day FOR A WHOLE YEAR and post it in a timely and efficient manner on this here little blogaroo?

Yeah. I fail.

I have actually been taking a photo every day. I haven't skipped or missed a day yet. But I have had no free time to sit down and upload it and post it here. And at this point I'm like three weeks behind and to sit and sort out which photo to choose out of all the ones from each day, or to even remember which photo it was I squeezed in on the last minute of a day just so I wouldn't miss the deadline...that task is just not going to happen. I've been way too exhausted every day and night and I have...caps lock, bold AND italic, NO time. It's amazing how a little ring manages to suck up all your energy and free time. We are trying to do this wedding on a budget and also keep it pretty cool, and it calls for a lot of work. No money for a wedding planner here. It's all us, baby!

I read someplace that an average wedding in the US is $28,500.

Our budget is one-third of that. *gasp*

But I think we can do it. I know people that have gotten by with less.

Booked so far, we got:


And I bought my dress for a RIDICULOUS, DISGUSTING, and almost even OFFENSIVE price. And it looks like a million bucks.

($263.94. Shh, don't tell no one...)

In fact, one of my friends that accompanied my mother and I when I went to try it on thought the woman was speaking in thousands (as in, $2600) and said, "that's a good deal for that dress! under $3000!"

Hahah. Oh, if only. Even if I had that kind of money I wouldn't spend it on a dress.

Also, I have appointments to pick out suits and bridesmaid's dresses, and an appointment with a florist. I'm crankin' it out, baby!


The point is, I have no time anymore for this project. I will post here from time to time but not every day. I just can't. I'm sorry.

I accept the fact that I am a loser.

But at least I'm an engaged loser.

Ta-ta for now, bloggerland. 

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