So, I'll just post this one.
Okay, maybe two.
Hey, MY blog, MY rules. ¿Comprende?
A while back we went to the Miami Planetarium and saw a laser show performed to the music of Radiohead. They gave us these orange, psychedelic, paper glasses with strange symbols on it (like a big eyeball that actually reminds me of the masons "all-seeing eye"- kinda creepy) that, when looked through, turns everything into a vortex of rainbows and lights! Sort of.

Anyway. I took this shot with the glasses held up to the lens. That's it. I will definitely experiment further- Chrismas lights should look pretty trippy, maybe even seizure-inducing! Fun!
Also, I submitted this photo to for consideration as a wallpaper. After it's approved for not containing questionable content (which I'm pretty confident it will, haha) it will be up for voting, and that will decide if it will be featured as a downloadable wallpaper on the website. Cool, huh?
There are no benefits for me, really, other than the bragging rights. Which I wouldn't use anyway. And I'm not saying I think it will be picked at all. There are hundreds of submissions.
I just think it's kinda neat :)

EDIT: It's up for voting! :)
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